Dear Rodney,
I could kiss you a thousand times and still not be satisfied. My love for you is endless, so tender, so hot and complete. I swear to God I want you in my life. I love you more and more with each day passing and it eases me to know as tomorrow approaches, that I will love you more then yesterday and tomorrow will be more then today. My love for you cannot be measured by words alone as love does express my true feelings for you.
When I think of our love it reminds me of all the things you are to me. You and only you have given me so much hope and have made me realize how much I want you! You show the true meaning of how a man should treat a woman.
Rodney, please accept my heart as your own and listen to both of ours beating as one. You are my reason to live. Without you I'm nothing. The years will be a test, but nothing will keep me from loving you, or from being by your side. I love you more than you could even know, you are my world. I just wanted to let you know how much I love all that you are and will be. You're truly my love, my soul mate, and my best friend.
For the first time in my life I have something to believe in. You've seen me at my worst and still take me as I am. I thank God for you every day because I know you're heaven sent, you are my angel. I love you from now till death do us part
Right now you live far away from me and I really mean it's killing me but I know in my heart that we are doing alright. I don't want to lose you to anyone else or anything that anyone wants to say about you. I want you to know I love you from the deepest part of my heart. I'm always so lost for words when it comes to you, I just wish there was another way that we could be together.
I want you and always will and there is nothing that will ever change the way I feel about you ... I love you! Love can make you do things that you never thought possible. See, there's a place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part me. I promise, you'll always be in my heart. I love you.
Love always,
2019年4月份的女孩姓石 起什么名字好 2019姓石女孩名字
4月别称槐月,万物枝长叶茂青翠欲滴,槐树也绽开了黄白色的花瓣儿。那么在4月份出生的女孩起什么名字好呢?起名网通过周易起名为您精选出以下4月份石姓女孩美名石一蕴 石唯晶 石宛原 石若晴 石宜洲 石荔方 石蕊鹂 石飘颍 石军婷 石茹宝石捷飘 石唯丁 石寒予 石亚闪 石芸纬 石小珂 石小洲 石南斐 石美恺 石唯盛石芝韶 石蕊菊 石一殷 石夕洲 石苗贺 石尧蓝 石芙闻