起名网 非常动人的英文情书表白 用英语写的表白情书 正文

非常动人的英文情书表白 用英语写的表白情书

  由于文化差异的原因,英文情书总是多了一分热烈和奔放,相比之下我们中国人反而显得羞于表达感情,总是喜欢把思念寄托在山啊水啊花啊一些物上,来侧面描写自己的心情,下面我们就一起欣赏一封英文情书。  look, i don't


  look, i don't know where to start. i love you. i have loved you since as long as i can remember, shortie. i guess the first time i told was when i realized how much you meant to me. we have known each other for years. once we got together, i couldn't believe how good things were going. it was too good to be true. it was perfect in the beginning. i loved you, and you loved me. i felt like that's the way it should still be.
  i didn't want you to leave - honestly, i didn't. if i could go back, i'd beg you to stay by my side. to know you'd be miles away was breaking my heart, but i wanted you to be happy. i wanted you to make a good future for yourself, for us. now that i think about it, how could i have let you go? what was i thinking then? look what has happened.
  i know we've been through the toughest of times. and because of that i think we are stronger than we thought. we lasted a good while. i'm so incredibly sorry for everything that i did wrong. i wish you could just tell me, and i would change it all. but, you know that neither of us were innocent when it came to hurting each other.
  when i said i would marry you, i meant it. i wanted to live my entire life loving you. we could have grown old together. i know you wanted that. it would have been great. but what happened to us, shortie? where did we go wrong? wasn't our love untouchable? wasn't it strong? i sit and think, and the only thing that best explains it is that we needed to be together physically. having you in one state and me in another was unbearable. although, i wanted to be with you so badly, i also have school and my life here. if i could go back i'd probably leave with you when i had the chance. would things be better now or is this the way it is supposed to be?



非常动人的英文情书表白 用英语写的表白情书

《非常动人的英文情书表白 用英语写的表白情书》来源于网络。本文任何之观点,皆为交流探讨之用,不构成任何建议,也不代表本站立场。

本文地址: https://www.qiming0.com/article/21429/6021289.html


任姓男孩霸气有涵养的名字有哪些? 任姓男孩有涵养的名字

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苏姓属龙男孩怎么取名霸气? 2000属龙的女孩

肖龙者令人无法抗拒。他们有的不是轻微的魅力,不,他们的魔力足以遮没你的心思,除去你的防卫意识,使你欣喜若狂地跌落在其居所的地板上。那么如何给苏姓属龙男孩怎么取名霸气?千万不要错过苏姓属龙男孩霸气名字。苏宇祥 苏煌朗 苏天琦 苏良清 苏伟义 苏泽波 苏文畅 苏尚和 苏承林 苏建霖 苏文贤 苏诚轩 苏春秋 苏瑞棣 苏秋宝 苏晨曦 苏冠铭 苏智圣 苏正宇 苏信
苏姓属龙男孩怎么取名霸气? 2000属龙的女孩