起名网 最经典英文圣诞歌曲你知道几首 关于圣诞节的英文歌曲儿歌 正文

最经典英文圣诞歌曲你知道几首 关于圣诞节的英文歌曲儿歌



最经典英文圣诞歌曲你知道几首 关于圣诞节的英文歌曲儿歌

  1、when a child iborn



  when a child iborn

  a raof hope flickerin the sky

  a tinstar lightup waup high

  all acrosthe land

  dawna brand-new morn

  thicometo pass

  when a child iborn

  a silent wish sailthe seven seas

  the windof change

  whisper in the trees

  and the wallof doubt

  crumble tost and torn

  thicometo pass

  when a child iborn

  2、silent night




  群星 - 圣诞歌曲

  silent night

  silent night, holnight

  all icalm, all ibright

  round yon virgin, mother and child

  holinfant,so tender and mild

  sleep in heavenlpeace

  sleep in heavenlpeace

  silent night, holnight

  shepherdquake at the sight

  gloriestream from heaven afar

  heavenlhostsing alleluia

  christ the savior iborn

  christ the savior iborn

  3、the first noe

  《 第一首圣诞歌》


  the first noel, the angeldid say

  wato certain poor shepherdin fieldathelay

  in fieldwhere themakeeping their sheep

  on a cold winter'night that waso deep.

  noel, noel, noel, noel

  born ithe king of israel!

  thelooked up and saw a star

  shining in the east beyond them far

  and to the earth it gave great light

  and so it continued both daand night.

  noel, noel, noel, noel

  born ithe king of israel!

  then entered in those wise men three

  full reverentlupon their knee

  and offered there in hipresence

  their gold and myrrh and frankincense.

  noel, noel, noel, noel

  born ithe king of israel!

  noel, noel, noel, noel

  born ithe king of israel!

  4、hark! herald anglesing




  hark the herald angelsing ,

  "glorto the new born king"

  peace on earth and mercmild ,

  god an sinnerreconciled

  joyful all ye nationrise.

  join the triumph of the skies

  with angelic host proclaim

  "christ iborn in bethlehem"

  hark the herald angelsing

  "glorto the new born king"

  christ, bhighest heaven adored;

  christ the everlasting lord;

  late in time behold him come,

  offspring of the favored one.

  veiled in flesh, the godhead see;

  hail the incarnate diety

  pleased aman with men to dwell,

  jesus, our immanuel

  hark the herald angelsing,

  "glorto the new born king"



  hail! the heaven-born prince of peace.

  hail the son of righteousness

  light and life to all he brings,

  risen with healing in hiwings

  mild he layhiglorby,

  born that man no more madie

  born to raise the sonof earth,

  born to give them second birth

  hark the herald angelsing

  "glorto the new born king"



《最经典英文圣诞歌曲你知道几首 关于圣诞节的英文歌曲儿歌》来源于网络。本文任何之观点,皆为交流探讨之用,不构成任何建议,也不代表本站立场。

本文地址: https://www.qiming0.com/article/21628/7104259.html


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