You Saw Me--你深情的看着我
dear logan,
since you came into my life, i've been so happy. the fact that we're a thousand miles apart is not a matter at all because you are always in my heart. you told me that i'm the right one. i cannot tell you how good that made me feel. i am waiting for the days to make our dreams come true. i'll wait for you for a lifetime if you want me to. do you know why? because you are the only one who sees me while i am invisible to others. i hope you never quit seeing how much my love for you is true.
love always
给巳时猪年出生的庄姓女孩起名取什么名字好 巳时猪年
庄姓女孩出生在寓意着吉祥富饶的金猪年巳时起名怎么取,是很多家长关心的问题。巳时生人【09:00-11:00出生】 聪明伶俐,初限富贵,衣禄有馀,自家成立产业,骨肉刑克之命,三十一,三十六,四十九有灾,过此七十四岁之寿。 论寅申巳亥时 寅申巳亥四字强 为人聪慧近文章 时正弟兄三四个 时初时末也成双 父母无刑多