起名网 端午节习俗英文怎么说:端午节习俗英语简介 正文




  The Duanwu Festival, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month). More about Dragon Boat Festival

  Eating zongzi. Zongzi are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. This traditional food is popular during the Dragon Boat Festival. More about Zongzi

  Drinking realgar wine. Realgar wine is Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar. It is a custom to drink the wine during the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Dragon boat racing. Dragon boat racing is a traditional pastime where crews of 22 seated in long, dragon-shaped boats race lengths of up to 2000m. The Races are an indispensable part of the Dragon Boat Festival and are held all over China.

  Wearing a sachet. During Dragon Boat Festival, parents typically dress their children up with a sachet. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk thread. The sachet, which is said to be able to ward off evil, is usually hung around the child's neck or tied to the front of his or her garment as an ornament.

  Tying five colored rings. Tying five brightly-colored decorative rings around children's wrists, ankles and necks during the Dragon Boat Festival is said to help the child ward off pests.

  "Driving away the five poisonous creatures." During the Dragon Boat Festival, residents make an effort to drive away poisonous pests, including scorpions, vipers, centipedes, house lizards and toads.

  "Preventing disease by having fun." In Guizhou Province, a Dragon Boat Festival custom is for villagers to plan outdoor leisure activities together. Entertainment for all is said to ward off disease.



本文地址: https://www.qiming0.com/article/22054/3545502.html


2019年1月份的女孩姓揭 起什么名字好 2019年5月

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