起名网 儿童节的英语简介:用英语介绍儿童节 六一节英文介绍30个字 正文

儿童节的英语简介:用英语介绍儿童节 六一节英文介绍30个字

  时光过的飞快,在过不久儿童节就到了。话说,这都几十年过去了。在临近儿童节的此刻,小编就要问了,过了这么多年,你可知道儿童节是怎么来?好吧,估计有一大票人都不清楚,各位快随小编来了解一下吧。  Internationa


  International Children's Day
  The international children's day of every year is scheduled for June 1。 It is to ensure children in the world the inalienable rights of life the rights of education, custody, in order to improve children's life, to trial against children and poisoning children and the establishment of the festival。At present, many countries in the world will be June 1 children as the festival。

  Festival origin:
  The establishment of international children's day, and take place in a world war ii massacre of a famous relevant,In June 1942, the German fascist shot for the Czech republic's village men over the age of 16 more than 140 citizens and all children, and the women and 90 children and to concentration camps. The village houses, buildings were burned, good carry of the village was destroyed by the nazis. The second world war ii ended, all over the world economic depression, hundreds of thousands of workers unemployed, have a very poor life. Children's situation worse, some have infectious diseases, graduating in die; Some were forced to as a child, and intermittently tortured, life, and life is not guaranteed. In order to mourn for the village and the world's all in war of aggression fascist dead children, in November 1949, the international democratic women's federation directors meeting in Moscow. In order to ensure children in the world the inalienable rights of life, the rights of education, in order to improve children's lives, meeting and for killing village's decision on June when the first day for international children's day. At the time of many countries agreed, especially the socialist countries.


  In order to safeguard the rights and interests of the children all over the world, in November 1949, the international association of democratic women held in Moscow board decided, June 1, every year as international children's day. After new China was founded, the special authorization of the central people's government on December 23, 1949 regulations, will China's children's day and international children's day together.

  翻译:为了保障全世界儿童的权益,1949年11月,国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科 召开执委会决定,将每年6月1日作为国际儿童节。新中国成立后,中央人民政府 政务院于1949年12月23日规定,将中国的儿童节与国际儿童节统一起来。

  First put forward:
  In August 1925 in red Geneva about children's welfare international conference, for the first time put forward the concept of “international children's day”.

  This conference have 54 countries take good care of the children's representative, gather in Geneva, Switzerland “children's happiness international congress”, through the Geneva ensuring children declaration. In the declaration, the children's spiritual due to poor children enjoy, the relief, children's dangerous work to make a living, children to avoid for, and how to save a problem such as children, all have a heated discussion.

  After the assembly since, on the one hand, in order to inspire children, let children's happiness, happiness, on the other hand also caused the love and attention for society, governments have successively provisions “children's day”.



儿童节的英语简介:用英语介绍儿童节 六一节英文介绍30个字

《儿童节的英语简介:用英语介绍儿童节 六一节英文介绍30个字》来源于网络。本文任何之观点,皆为交流探讨之用,不构成任何建议,也不代表本站立场。

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