起名网 重阳节的风俗是什么英语介绍 中国传统节日英文介绍 正文

重阳节的风俗是什么英语介绍 中国传统节日英文介绍




  People like to climb mountains on this festival, so Double Ninth Festival is also called “Mountain-climbing Festival “。

  The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn sky and bracing air, is a good time for sightseeing. So people, both ancient and present, love to go sightseeing this month.


  Apart from expelling bad luck and disasters, climbing mounting also indicates “climbing to a higher position”, and it is also an important reason why ancient people pay much attention about this custom. Another reason that climbing mountains are valued by people, especially by the elderly is that is has a meaning of “climb to a longevous life”。 Also for this reason people believe that climbing mountains can make people live a more longevous life.


  It is really refreshing to climb mountains and enjoy the beauty of nature at this bright and clear time in autumn. Climbing mountains on Double Ninth Festival was already prevailing in the Tang Dynasty, and a lot of poems were devoted to this custom.


  The chrysanthemum flower wine is unique in brewing. In ancient times,people usually picked fresh chrysanthemum flowers and leaves on the 9th of the 9th lunar month, and brewed the mixture of them and grains into the wine, which would not be drunk until the same day next year. The wine is said to have wholesome effects on sharpness of the eye, alleviation of headache, drop of hypertension, reduction of weight and removal of stomach trouble, thus contributing to longevity. It is said that the drinkers of the chrysanthemum wine would be free from evil and have strong physique against cold weather.



  The Double Ninth cake is also known as “chrysanthemum cake” or “flower cake”。 It dates back to the Zhou Dynasty. It is said that the cake was originally prepared after autumn harvests for farmers to have a taste of what was just in season, and it gradually grew into the present cake for people to eat on the Double Ninth Day.



重阳节的风俗是什么英语介绍 中国传统节日英文介绍


《重阳节的风俗是什么英语介绍 中国传统节日英文介绍》来源于网络。本文任何之观点,皆为交流探讨之用,不构成任何建议,也不代表本站立场。

本文地址: https://www.qiming0.com/article/22821/2812215.html


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